Entry 1 : Deciding a Topic

This semester, we're given five topics to choose based on Media Cultures. Here is the list of it :-

1. Critically review a local art/ design exhibition in-depth. Discuss it in terms of its curatorial goals and exhibition design with related research.

After the field trip to the art museum, I've found out that its curatorial goal is to bring up norm item into art or more appreciated than it used to.

2. Compare and contrast the relationship of celebrities with their fans in two different creative communities. Which one is relatively more healthy in their connections?

The famous Pewdiepie, aka Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, has almost 15 billions views in Youtube itself. While contrast and comparing with Justin Bieber, Justin also have plentiful of fans but it's not much a success. The netizens despise Justin Bieber success in the music industry but still there are still fans that supports him. Unlike Pewdiepie, his success in Youtube made him grow bigger everyday. He treats his fans carefully and not risking losing viewers. According to Scott, Justin Bieber has histories of mistreating his fans such as slapping away cameras and etc.(Baumgartner, 2016). As a frequent internet user, I can agree to that according to my observation in the internet.

3. Examine the issue of cultural appropriation within a domain of beauty, fashion or music industry. Why are some communities cautions of, or against this practice?

According to Maisha, the term "cultural appropriation" means when somebody adopts different aspects of a culture which is not their own (Maisha, 2015).

"The wrong incentive structure risks nixing work that could draw attention to an injustice or dramatize systemic racism or get an incarcerated man a new trial for fear of “cultural appropriation.” "                        -Conor Friedersdorf ,2017

After reading through about it, many communities cautious and against this "cultural appropriation" due to the fact that it touches racism issues.

4. What are some issues and best practices for design in multilingual communities? Write from the perspective of either a graphic designer or interactive designer. (chosen topic)

In interactive designer perspective, the issues of designing for multilingual communities are some audiences are not fond to English thus having a option to change the whole design in a click of a button such as Facebook. When discussing about multilingual communities, some communities doesn't understand other culture despite of the possibility the lacking of culture exposure from other culture. According to (DigitalGOV, N/A), the best practices of designing a website are languages, culture, multilingual information, URL strategy, comparability and maintenance, user's expectations, toggle between languages, digital features and functionality, integrated operations, and marketing and outreach program that includes branding, social media, etc.

5. Explore a variety of media is used within the context of branding or transmedia storytelling. Does variety dilute the effectiveness of an advertising campaign or story?

According to my understandings, transmedia (mutliplatform storytelling) do affect its effectiveness to advertise. The more media = the more confusion among audience, as far as I know.


Baumgarther S. (2016). Justin Bieber Mistreating His Fans: A History . [online] Celebuzz. Available at: http://www.celebuzz.com/2016-05-30/justin-bieber-mistreating-his-fans-a-history/ [Accessed: 6 June 2017]

DigitalGOV (NA). Top 10 Best Practices for Multilingual Websites. [online] DigitalGOV. Available at: https://www.digitalgov.gov/resources/top-10-best-practices-for-multilingual-websites/ [Accessed: 6 June 2017]

Friedersdorf C. (2017). What Does 'Cultural Appropriation' Actually Mean?. [online] theAtlantic.Available at: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2017/04/cultural-appropriation/521634/ [Accessed: 6 June 2017]

Johnson M. Z. (2015). What's Wrong with Cultural Appropriation? These 9 Answers Reveal Its Harm. [online] EverydayFeminism. Available at: http://everydayfeminism.com/2015/06/cultural-appropriation-wrong/ [Accessed: 6 June 2017]

Fiorelli G. (2015). Transmedia Storytelling: The Complete Guide. [online] StateOfDigital. Available at: http://www.stateofdigital.com/complete-guide-transmedia-storytelling/ [Accessed: 6 June 2017]

