Entry 3 : Best Website for Multilingual Communities

As a Malaysian, I can say that multilingual communities within Malaysia itself are is not much of an issue but the real issues are for those who a monolinguals are higher since they have troubles understanding.

According to my observation, Chinese-operated market most likely have weak understanding English but they do understand fluently Malay and Chinese language. Therefore, monolinguals, who only understand English, will have some issues communication.

As a interactive design student, we have to be more considerate in applying more language so that it's more user-friendly. It also renders a website usable for all users. According to (Vertommen,2015), translation in website for content to be readable for monolingual users. Secondly, presenting language option such as Facebook

and presenting country flags,

Bibliography :
Vertommen K.(2015). Tips for Designing and Building a Multilingual Website. [online] Envatotuts+. Available at : https://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/tips-for-designing-and-building-a-multilingual-website--cms-24708 [Accessed : 21 June 2017]
