Entry 5 : Communicate without Words

Humans have the ability to visualize something without actually seeing them in person but visualizing with words. Thus, easier to understand visuals and translate that meaning into one own mind. 

This semiotic system proved to help must people to understand better if they do not understand them in other words. For example, a person talk to a monolingual about "Stop" in unfamiliar language, the monolingual wouldn't know it and therefore, the person points at the "stop" sign down the road. The monolingual understands. Therefore, it creates the sense of "everyone's language" where everyone understand themselves even they're culturally different.

If semiotic system is reliable and relevant to the modern society during their daily life, signs and such can be easily recognized by the monolinguals and there are no needs for texts to communicate but rather icons and visuals. 

MEDIATEXTHACK(NA). Semiotics. [online] Media Studies 101. Available at: https://mediatexthack.wordpress.com/category/semiotics/ [Accessed 29 June 2017].
