
Showing posts from July, 2017

Entry 8 : Concluding the Topic

At the end of the day, imagery is still universal where all people with different culture would understand. The power of "semiotics". But still, text is also important as well as imagery. As an interactive design student, user experience is always our top priority when it comes to designing a product. Consideration for multilingual users are always important as language is the fundamental of communication. Multilinguals are always easier to resolve language issues than  monolinguals. Multilingual communities are cultural as they consist of their own local language and other language.Thus brings the question, do cultural boundaries cause some imagery to be unrecognizable? It would be most probably not as stated by Arnold in the last entry as he stated that humans are visual creatures (Arnold, 2015). Bibliography: Arnold G. (2015).  5 Reasons Why Images Speak Louder than Words.  [online] LinkedIn. Available at:

Entry 7 : Image or Text? Perhaps Both?

After studying about the picture superiority effect, it seems that imagery are easier to understand by many people without using any sort of languages. Thus it solves language border and limitation of communication. In my opinion, imagery is the way to communicate with multilingual communities since it do not require any language. Apparently, imagery couldn't render what text can portray. For example, a paragraph of text about "Community Service" cannot be easily portrayed by simple imagery. Therefore, subtle texts are still recommended to support by imagery when it comes to communicating with multilingual communities. Text is still important when giving complicated information but that doesn't mean imagery is not needed. Imagery is best used for simple information such Stop sign, search page and etc while text can be used in giving information which imagery couldn't do. Sometimes I question myself ,how can one understand better? Text, image or both? Coul

Entry 6 : Visual is a Universal Language

When we read a newspaper, for example, our mind tends to remember visuals more clearly than texts. Apparently, this effect is called "picture superiority effect" where our mind recognize visuals more better than verbal and texts. When it comes to communicating through visuals, texts, icons and pictures are the fundamental feature to send clear information to the audience. According to (L. Childer, T. and J. Houston, M., 1984), imagery allows greater distinctiveness of encoding and more reliable in processing than verbal-only. Therefore, this suggest that imagery and icons are more understandable to the multilingual communities without using text are the medium of communication but rather simple imagery that the communities can understand. "It is doubtful that verbal-only material can achieve the level of  sensory discrimination that pictures allow." -Terry L. and Michael J., 1984 Gabe Arnold stated that humans are visual creatures thus making pictur