
Showing posts from June, 2017

Entry 5 : Communicate without Words

Humans have the ability to visualize something without actually seeing them in person but visualizing with words. Thus, easier to understand visuals and translate that meaning into one own mind.  This semiotic system proved to help must people to understand better if they do not understand them in other words. For example, a person talk to a monolingual about "Stop" in unfamiliar language, the monolingual wouldn't know it and therefore, the person points at the "stop" sign down the road. The monolingual understands. Therefore, it creates the sense of "everyone's language" where everyone understand themselves even they're culturally different. If semiotic system is reliable and relevant to the modern society during their daily life, signs and such can be easily recognized by the monolinguals and there are no needs for texts to communicate but rather icons and visuals.  Bibliography: MEDIATEXTHACK(NA). Semiotics . [online] Medi

Entry 4 : Different Culture, Different Mother Tongue

By Posy Simmonds, in The Human Conspiracy Everyone has their own "first language" and most probably inherit from their cultural backgrounds. Mother tongue is not something that an individual would easily forget as it acts like their root of culture. Therefore, it made what Malaysia is today, multilingual communities. Since every communities has their own language, Malaysian multilingual communities doesn't seems to space from other multilingual communities. Apparently, they communicate where both parties are understandable and yet maintaining some of their mother tongue. As a Malaysian, we tend to use the word "Ta Pao", a Chinese word for take-away, when ordering take-aways whether in a Indian stall or Malay stall and they seem to understand it.  According to (Ndaruhutse,2011), mother tongue-based multilingual education is a way to maintain and develop their own cultural roots and languages while promoting skills in the curriculum and dialect l

Entry 3 : Best Website for Multilingual Communities

As a Malaysian, I can say that multilingual communities within Malaysia itself are is not much of an issue but the real issues are for those who a monolinguals are higher since they have troubles understanding. According to my observation, Chinese-operated market most likely have weak understanding English but they do understand fluently Malay and Chinese language. Therefore, monolinguals, who only understand English, will have some issues communication. As a interactive design student, we have to be more considerate in applying more language so that it's more user-friendly. It also renders a website usable for all users. According to (Vertommen,2015), translation in website for content to be readable for monolingual users. Secondly, presenting language option such as Facebook and presenting country flags, Bibliography : Vertommen K.(2015). Tips for Designing and Building a Multilingual Website. [online] Envatotuts+. Available at : https://webdesign.tutspl

Entry 2 : What is Multilingualism and Bilingualism

An individual who speaks multiple different languages is called Multilingualism. According to (Vince, 2016), approximately 60 to 75 percent of the people speaks more than one language and some countries consist of multiple official national languages. (Vince,2016) also stated that multilingualism provides health benefits such as faster recovery for mental illness such as strokes and dementia. It's not possible to decipher the rules of the language in a short period of time and render it understandable. "At the current rate of one a  fortnight, half our languages will be extinct by the end of the century."                                 -Gaia Vince, 2016 In other country especially Britain and US, bilingual, speaking two languages fluently, was harmful to health and to society among children. It stated that bilingual children would have lower intelligence, low self-esteem, behave deviant ways, split personality and becoming schizophrenic. Thus, it discourage immig

Entry 1 : Deciding a Topic

This semester, we're given five topics to choose based on Media Cultures. Here is the list of it :- 1. Critically review a local art/ design exhibition in-depth. Discuss it in terms of its curatorial goals and exhibition design with related research. After the field trip to the art museum, I've found out that its curatorial goal is to bring up norm item into art or more appreciated than it used to. 2. Compare and contrast the relationship of celebrities with their fans in two different creative communities. Which one is relatively more healthy in their connections? The famous Pewdiepie, aka Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, has almost 15 billions views in Youtube itself. While contrast and comparing with Justin Bieber, Justin also have plentiful of fans but it's not much a success. The netizens despise Justin Bieber success in the music industry but still there are still fans that supports him. Unlike Pewdiepie, his success in Youtube made him grow bigger ev